Every single member of the Industrial Property Owners’ Consortium is dedicated to protecting their businesses and supporting others—it’s why we created IPOC in the first place. When we make our voices heard and stand up for our businesses through IPOC, we can create meaningful change and growth for each other.

What We Do


Above all, joining IPOC means you’ll have the leverage and support that simply doesn’t exist when we’re divided. Every new member gives our consortium new perspectives, ideas, and support that we need to make all of our businesses thrive. Without our members, we wouldn’t have the ability to make our voices heard—to demonstrate that our businesses are a benefit for our communities and our employees.

Our monthly events bring leaders together to hear from industry voices, elected officials, and candidates on the issues that matter.


Joining IPOC means you’ll have the opportunity to make your voice truly heard, and not just at a county hearing. We’re talking about the chance to make your businesses’ needs heard in front of:

  • County Commissioners
  • State Legislators
  • Members of Congress
  • Candidates for All Offices

Additionally, our team is focused on bringing your attention to legislation and local government actions that can impact your business so that you have the opportunity to be a part of the conversation.


Businesses work better when they have the full picture. IPOC is dedicated to ensuring that our members get the data and information they need to get the full view of the regulatory and economic environment in the state, region, and nation. Through both email and text message, we provide members with the information they need in a concise format that they can act on.


Ray Scott, President

Ray Scott was born in Ohio and grew up in Rifle, Colorado a small town where principles and values were instilled. Working on farms and ranches with his family were key to understanding just how important individual freedom and hard work can mold a desire to serve others.

Senator Scott began his work career with Conoco as a terminal manager and later with Williams Energy in Colorado and New Mexico. Senator Scott always had a desire to own his own business. With an entrepreneur’s drive and velocity, he founded several businesses in the energy sector, land development, logistics, sports, software, and construction. He built and sold companies that had extreme success on the one hand and great learning opportunities on the other.

At the State Capitol, Ray worked to reduce job-killing regulations that stifle growth, oppose new taxes on Colorado’s middle-class families, and fought to prioritize funding for infrastructure projects that served the people, not politicians and special interests. He is a fierce supporter of fossil fuel development as these industries are the backbone of Mesa County and thousands of good-paying jobs all over Western Colorado.

In 2024, Ray was elected to serve on the University of Colorado Board of Regents.

Ray enjoys hunting, fly-fishing, and spending time on his farm with family and friends.